

Modern Lab

  • In our computer lab total 10 computer is placed here. For, increasing more number of computer is processing.

  • All equipment and instrument are available in this Anatomy lab such are skeletal, all kind of bone and model etc.

  • All equipment and instrument are available in this Physiology lab such are four(4) microscope different kind of models, charts etc.

  • All equipment and instrument are available in this Microbiology lab such are four(4) microscope different kind of models, charts etc.

  • An well decorated lab is here which have height and weight measuring machine, kitchen machine, cocker, different types of fruits, vegetables and charts etc.

  • For learning fundamental nursing, all kind of fundamental instrument is available in this modern lab.

  • For learning midwifery, all kind of fundamental instrument is available in this modern lab.


  • Sylhet Women's Nuring College
  • Mobile: +8801704-779140
  • Email:
Recognized By
Bangladesh Nursing & Midwifery Council
Affilated By
Sylhet Medical University, Bangladesh
Approved By
Ministry of Health & Welfare Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh